That's What She Said

Love, Sex, and Dating advice from the Ladies...and Joey.

We're here for you

Are you a lovable loser looking for ways to win over the girl of your dreams? Do all the boys run screaming when you coyly bat your eyelashes? Have you been searching your whole life to uncover the secrets of the opposite sex? Get ready to have all those questions answered and much more from some of the world's hottest relationship gurus and real people just like you.


I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion - I have shudder'd at it. I shudder no more. I could be martyr'd for my religion Love is my religion And I could die for that. I could die for you. ~ John Keats ~

Attraction Isn't A Choice - Dating Advice For Men

Dating Advice For Guys - Attraction Isn't A Choice as explained by David Deangelo. The path to attracting women is not by logic, but by emotions.


That's What She Said: Joey watches Say Anything-Deleted Scene

We only showed a very brief snippet of Joey watching a romantic comedy from the 80s. Our audience demanded more, so we listened. Here is an extended Director's cut of everybody's favorite lovable loser with his trusty sidekick. It was trimmed to around 2 minutes, because it was pretty much an hour and a half of the same thing.


That's What She Said: Episode 2-Body Language

Does that arm touch mean something? What about when she crosses her legs toward you? Why is he flexing so much? Body language and signals are ways to tell if someone of the opposite sex likes you, but how do you know what to look for? We explore these dating mysteries once and for all.


Michelle in Hollywood seeking Just Friends- The Director's Cut

Michelle did some investigative journalism on the streets of Hollywood to find the elusive "Just Friends" couple. She found that there may be something deeper going on with one of the couples, and that apple-tinis can make any friendship last.


The Likelihood of a Bisexual Friendship

By Mara

Can Men and Women be friends? Yes… with a really big BUT at the end. I decided that it would be interesting to see what my friends and family had to say on the subject, so I started a thread on Face Book and got some pretty interesting answers. While the answers were many and varied, they only fell into three categories. The first was the flat out “no way in hell”. Not surprisingly this was mostly voiced by men. The other extreme was “yes, absolutely!” with no strings attached. This came from women and, for the most part, they are kidding themselves. Don’t get mad at me yet, I’ll explain more fully later. The third group was pretty much in agreement, with a few discrepancies. This group of people said “Yes, but”.

The first thing you have to consider when trying to be “just friends” is that there is no way the friendship will be the same as an only women or an only men friendship. Don’t even try. All you’ll do if you go down that road is get into a huge mess and be asking yourself how you let this happen. Perfect example comes from a friend of mine we will call Mr. B. Mr. B’s wife is a nurse and has a man as a patient that she really likes a lot and started hanging out with him as a friend. She asked Mr. B if she could go clothes shopping with her patient so she could be his fashion consultant. Mr. B said “go ahead, but you're going to end up disappointed real soon if you think he just wants to be friends". She even bought him, and a few of her other patients without family, a Christmas gift. A few days later she was moping around the house and Mr. B asked her what was wrong. She said "I don't know why guys just can't be friends with girls." He said "your buddy has the hots for you doesn't he?” She nodded and told Mr. B that the patient had confided in another nurse that he had feelings for her and was asking about the state of her marriage. Most of the time we befriend the opposite sex because we are interested in them sexually. If you go into a friendship and don’t even consider the possibility that the other person is attracted to you it’s going to end in a mess. You can’t just assume the ease of friendship the way it is with those of the same sex.


That's What She Said Pilot Episode: Just Friends

Many men and women have tried over the years to keep things on a platonic level. There have been documented cases of these types of relationships working, but they are few and far between. We decided to take a look into the topic to see if we could finally come to a conclusion. The question still remains.


Are you a nice guy? Well cut it out!

Get ready to grow a sac.

"I love you but I'm not IN love with you", "I don't think of you in that way", "You're like a brother to me" Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you? Its probably because you are a nice guy and have been relegated to the "friend zone  ". I'm sure that was not your intent, and are now wondering why the love of your life has passed over you for some guy who's only contribution to society is being able to write his name in the snow. It has taken me many years and countless heartaches to finally figure out why the "jerks" seem to always get the girl, and I'm going to try to impart my wisdom to those unsure Cassanovas out there. So grab a pen and some paper and get ready to see yourself from a view you may never have before. (You know what...forget the pen. We are making you more of a man, so we'll be taking notes in blood.)


That's What She Said Teaser #6-Lauren Frantically Packs

Lauren is so excited about the launch of the show, she decides to take a trip. Where is she going and will she be back on time?


That's What She Said Teaser #5-Joey Eats Alone

Joey finds nourishment and quiet time, a pairing he has grown all too accustomed to. Can he rise from the ashes and once again stand atop the mountains? Find out Jan. 18th, 2010. What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.-Richard Wilbur


That's What She Said Teaser #4-Girls Talk Man Parts

After a hard day's work Tara and Julie like to kick their heels up and enjoy a few stiff ones. Little did they realize that Tara's question would forever change the world as we know it.


That's What She Said Teaser #3-Julie Plays with Scissors

Julie is on a never-ending quest to find the perfect man, but sometimes she can be a bit intimidating. How can anyone pass up this gentle hearted soul? Find out on January 18th, 2010.


That's What She Said Teaser #2: Tara's Clothes

Tara is getting ready for the big launch and she wants to find the perfect outfit? Will she have enough time to put it all together? Find out January 18th, 2010


Teaser Trailer #1

Joey is getting ready for the big launch for the show. Unfortunately we caught him at a time that we will regret for the rest of our lives.



Is there a specific topic you want to see covered? Are you offended by what Joey has said? Wanna send Julie a lovenote? Please feel free to send any feedback you may have about the website, our show, or your own love life.

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About Us

The Hosts:

JOEY used to pride himself on being a lady's man. Recently he has found that he has evolved more towards the realm of girly-man. He is determined to rectify the situation by putting the "nice guy" to bed and channel the inner bad boy. Unfortunately, that has never been an adjective that described him. It will be a difficult journey, but hopefully he will succeed. More than likely you'll spot him outside some girl's window who has just broken his heart, while holding up a boom-box blasting her favorite 80's song.

Julie plunged into the dating world coincidentally the same day she got her braces removed at the age of 14. While she has maintained her youthful spirit, she has also gained more dating experience than most 32 and a half year olds can stomach. Some people would call this repetitive failure, she calls it “building a cumulative wisdom".

Lauren is the voice of reason amongst her friends. She has her head on straight, and often finds that this is a bit intimidating for the boys. Even though she is looking to be swept off her feet, she demands that the gentleman have a non-psycho broom. While she searches for someone to compliment her, she'll settle for giving advice to little brown men who cry way too much.

Michelle is a serial-monogamist currently residing in Los Angeles. She believes the best basis for any long-term relationship is a mutual love of all things culinary. Her ideal date involves both a cheese and a chocolate course.

Tara, after many years of short-term relationships, finally settled down with Mr. Right (name changed to protect the innocent). She's been happily married for over six years. Tara had her first kiss at 15 and kept her eyes open the entire time. Despite that, her kissing partner rated her one of his top three kisses of all time. Now THAT's credentials!

The Correspondents:

Jessie loves men and not even the past 13 years of dating and remaining single has made her bitter. She's had some great boyfriends (like the one who bought her flowers when she got a haircut, to celebrate its potential success or cheer her up in its possible failure), and some douches (hey, there, you who made her cry on her birthday and broke up with her via phone). What she's learned is that each person is different, and that while some similarities exist for either sex, the most interesting part of dating is finding out what makes him or her different. That said. . . boy, does she have stories! And will cheerfully share them with all of you.

Jessica is an expert on men, and the type she doesn’t want. After being married to Mr. Wrong for quite a while, she is single and optimistic that Mr. Right is indeed out there. In the meantime, she is more than willing to date and share her opinions and thoughts on everything. And she ALWAYS has an opinion.

Katie, after having dealt with her share of crybaby frat boys and douche-nozzles, gave up on committed relationships. After about two years of even worse dating experiences (one of them told her his mother committed suicide after they had sex) decided it was time to be a little more picky. She knows everyone has self-esteem issues, but came to the conclusion that just because someone shows interest, doesn't mean you have to give them what they want. She wishes she had realized this in high school, but that's a WHOLE other story.

Mara is a rational human being who is very good at seeing both sides of an argument. Forced to learn lots of psychology and sociology as a Theatre major at Virginia Tech, she improved upon this talent until everyone she knew came to her for relationship advice. Eventually it got to the point where she could not go 5 minutes without having someone text/call/email/or IM her, so she dug a hole and hid in it for a few years. Emerging from her hole, she has decided it is time once again to spread wisdom and rationality across the internet for anyone who cares enough to read.